Schedule at a Glance

 Saturday, May 18
12:30 PM - 5:00 PM    “Bridging the Gap”: Advancing Progress Through Diversity One Craft at a Time
RSVP required. Space is limited.
To RSVP, please log into the Attendee Service Center and select "Edit Registration". 

Embrace the Future of Building Together in a Collaborate Space.
Are you a thought leader propelling change or seeking advocacy and resources? Don’t overlook this opportunity to learn how to promote gender balance in the construction industry.

12:30pm - 1:00pm ~ Luncheon
1:00pm - 2:30pm ~ Bringing More Women into Construction 
Union Panel Discussion - UBC, IUPAT, OPCMIA & LIUNA
* Dispelling myths & unearthing the unknowns
* Creating an inclusive environment
* Recognizing biases
* Save workplace, harassment prevention
* Childcare grants and other resources

2:45pm - 3:15pm ~ Break & Interactive Hands-on Workshop
3:30pm - 5:00pm ~ Advancing & Retaining Women in Construction
Contractor Panel Discussion 
* Improving communication
* Inclusive networking and sponsorship
* Perceived confidence
* Awaking unconscious biases

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